Monday, March 29, 2010

Here's it a Constant Reminder: Live it Up!!

To put it simply, I'm a very forgetful person. I write things down as soon as I hear them so that I don't forget...good idea, right? Well, usually, I lose the paper that I wrote those things down on; I don't mean to lose it. Mostly, it's because I forgot where I put that paper.

The bad part about my forgetfulness is that I sometimes need a reminder that I'm a Christian and called to live by love and not whatever feels good at the time. Other Christians say, "Don't worry! Me too!" But that doesn't make me feel any better about forgetting.

And my constant reminder isn't carrying around a Bible or randomly praying the middle of a conversation when someone has paused to take a breath. My reminder is my tattoo. Everytime I see it, I know exactly what it means. I don't ever look down at my ankle and say, "Oh, man--looks like a cool tattoo. Wonder why I got it? I bet it has a cool meaning. Wish I knew..."

The tattoo has three meanings: it's shaped like a heart (1 love); because it doesn't completely close it makes a G shape (1 God); and one ends of the heart is shaped like an arrow pointing upwards (1 Way). My description doesn't really do it justice. So you can just check out the picture of it, on the left.

But the heart represents one love. God's love doesn't show favoritism. People would like to think it does, because it either gives us an excuse as Christians to do whatever we want, because "God loves us more" or for non-Christians to refuse to accept God, because "God doesn't love us as much." Nope. God's love is unchangeable and He loves us all the same. Plain and simple, God doesn't show favoritism.(Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11)

The G-shape stands for the "one God". There isn't but one God. There aren't these many gods floating around. There isn't a God of love; and a God of power; and a God of happiness. It's one God. And I'm pretty sure you don't need me to quote any verses about this one, considering that the whole Bible is about our having one God.

And finally, one way--the arrow means that there is only one way to heaven and that's salvation through faith in Christ. Not faith in apples. Not faith in money. Apples and money didn't live a sinless lifestyle and then die on the cross for you or me. Just a fact. And the best part is that anyone can have it. God doesn't have a "Please apply here if you are..." sheet. Salvation is open for anyone and everyone. (John 3:16-classic but true. 1st John 1:9)

The only thing I'll add is that it's a constant reminder for me to live it up. Live it up like there's one love, one God, and one way.

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